
at Inshriach Bothy

In recent years, issues of land and ownership have been at the centre of most of my work. Linked to these questions are belonging and agriculture. With a background in photography, I have over the years developed my work to include printed matter, book art, building objects and creating new spaces for art in the public sphere. I often work together with other artists, writers and designers. 

A large part of my art practice is dedicated to artists run initiatives. During my first years in Gothenburg, I founded and co-ran the gallery Lådan theMobileBox that figured on the streets of the city, we also visited Reykjavik, Istanbul, Copenhagen and Berlin. Since my time in Glasgow I was a member of the artists run publishing house A Shoal of Mackerel and later I co-ran the mail-art project Bilaga limited.editions. Recently I opened a small reference library for printed matter called BIBLIOTHEKET.



Mari Lagerquist
Ateljé Gårdaskolan
Fabriksgatan 30-32
Email mari@marilagerquist.se

2020-2022: Trädgårdsmästare, Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar.
2005-2007: MA Context & Media, Konsthögskolan Valand, Göteborg.
1999-2002: BA (Honours) Fine Art Photography, Glasgow School of Art.
1998/1999: Kunst Fotografi k.u.b.a København.
1997: Academi voor Fotografi, Amsterdam.
1996-1997: Russan language course, St. Petersburg State University.

Recent Exhibitions
2022: Det som inte är/That Which is Not Rehab Shop Gallery, Göteborg.
2021: This is a Ten Sided Dream Stone Coal Studios (GIBCA extended)
2020: Book launches and book fairs for Stormskadad/ Wounded by the Storm Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Århus Photobook Week, FotoColectiania Barcelona, Lohrs Bokhandel Göteborg.
2018: Switch Negagh, Ireland. Publicerat/Published Fotoboken i Sverige Hasselblad Center Göteborg, CFF Stockholm. Sailing the Seven Seas Sailor Press at KRETS Malmö. Övergångar Grafik i Väst Göteborg.

Books & Printed Matter
2022: Outwith together with Sven Drobnitza, Blackbook Publications/Dialog.
2020: Stormskadad/Wounded by the Storm Blackbook Publications. How to Make an Armour self-published.
2019: Pentelic Marble self-published.
2015: Native Plants, Invasive Plants, Sailor Press.

Public Commissions
2021: Stenbrottets emergens Förskolan Backa Kyrkogata 11, Göteborg.
2018: Hoppkräfta och ett växtplankton Kvibergsskolan F-3, Göteborg.
2016: Från gran till gräslök Kungsportsavenyn, GothenburgGreenWorld.
2007: När genvägar blir senvägar Universitetsparken Campus Valla Linköping.

Awards & Residency
2022: Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse. Riksförbundet Sveriges Konstföreningar.
2020: Författarfondens working grant 1 year. Bothy Project self directed residence, Scotland. The Swedish Arts Grant Committee, international exchange.
2019: Familjen Wikanders Stiftelse. Óbvia Residency Setúbal, Portugal. Västra Götaland guest studio grant.
2018: Swedish Institute at Athens.
2017: Nominerad till Fotobokspriset Svenska Fotografers Förbund. Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse.